Reality television is about as far-flung from the mission of NOM as it can get, but that hasn’t stopped them from opportunistically jumping on the outrage train. Hate group leader Brian Brown writes:
Do we want to live in a country where we cannot express something we believe so sincerely and feel so strongly without fear of reprisals, bullying, and intimidation? Do we want to let groups like HRC that spew hateful rhetoric and incite bigotry towards Christians dictate what is and is not acceptable to say in the public square in America? What kind of America will that mean for our children? And, more immediately, what would that mean for the future of marriage in America? This is a major moment in the cultural battle over the truth of marriage, and whether America will tolerate an ongoing debate about same-sex unions. If the HRC and GLAAD are able to silence Phil Robertson, nobody’s safe from their abject bullying.