Waving signs and banners that were clearly lifted from France’s vile Manif Pour Tous, tens of thousands marched in Taiwan’s capital in protest of a proposed bill to legalize same-sex marriage.
From Focus Taiwan:
The demonstrators, many of whom were parents and children, crowded Ketagalan Boulevard in front of the Presidential Office, raising pink placards that read “Made by Daddy and Mommy,” “Defend Marriage” and “Oppose Amendment to Civil Code Article 972,” which states that an agreement to marry shall be made by the “male” and “female” parties in a relationship. The Coalition for the Happiness of Our Next Generation, one of the organizers of the event, argues that allowing same-sex couples to marry and adopt children will encourage “sexual liberation,” undermine traditional family values and confuse gender roles for children. Any changes to the marriage system should be put to a national referendum, the coalition said. “God created human beings as male and female. Only the union of a man and a woman can create the next generation, and the ability to create offspring is an important function of a family,” said 40-year-old Ann Huang, who joined the rally with her friends.
From the Taipei Times:
“God loves people, but He doesn’t love sinners,” demonstrator Hsu Chu-min said. “Homosexuals should abandon their sin. Homosexuality is against human nature.” A high-school student who wished to be known as Nelson took part in the rally in a Nazi uniform. “I am against homosexuality, and so were the Nazis; this is why I am wearing this uniform,” he said. “I don’t care if others criticize me, because those who criticize me will be condemned as well.” As many speakers at the rally accused gay rights activists of trying to push for sexual liberation, incest, group sex and bestiality through legalizing same-sex marriage and family diversity proposals, several gay rights advocacy groups tried to hold a press conference to clarify their stance. However, many activists were circled, pushed and driven away when they passed through the crowd of demonstrators.
American anti-gay sites, including NOM, are claiming today that the crowd numbered as many as 300,000. Homocon Robert Oscar Lopez is praising the protest on his blog, English Manif. The marriage bill passed its first reading before the national legislature in late October and is now before three committees for review. Recent polls show the Taiwanese public is strongly divided on the issue.