The “ex-gay” crackpots at PFOX have filed a federal discrimination complaint with the Department of Justice and the Department of Education because the Montgomery County, Maryland school board won’t let them advocate for the torture and brainwashing of LGBT students. Via press release:
PFOX requests the federal agencies initiate an investigation into the discriminatory practices of Superintendent Starr and the Montgomery County school board and to oversee a remedial program to ensure diversity and non-discrimination against ex-gays. “Starr misused his official position as school superintendent to gain access to students and indoctrinate them with his prejudicial bias against the ex-gay community,” said Regina Griggs, executive director of PFOX. “The Department of Justice has investigated complaints against schools for discriminating against transgenders — those who have changed their gender identity. The ex-gay community — those who have changed their sexual orientation — asks for equal treatment from our federal government.”
After PFOX distributed ex-gay flyers to high school students as part of the schools’ flyer distribution program for non-profit organizations, Starr publicly denigrated PFOX and former homosexuals by calling the actions of PFOX “reprehensible and deplorable” and labeling the flyer’s sexual orientation freedom stance as “a really, really disgusting message.” “PFOX’s flyers provided information on unwanted same-sex attractions, discouraged student name calling, and urged tolerance for former homosexuals,” Griggs said. “Starr does not respect real diversity. As school superintendent, Starr’s actions make it impossible for Montgomery County public schools to provide an atmosphere where everyone is treated fairly and with respect, and free from discrimination and abuse, as mandated by its sexual orientation nondiscrimination policy.
Griggs: “Their actions are reminiscent of the 1950s Jim Crow South, when public pools were closed rather than allow the participation of African-Americans.”