MICHIGAN: State Calls Mark Regnerus As Witness In Marriage Equality Lawsuit

Last month a Michigan judge set February 25th as the trial date for the above-titled lawsuit to overturn the state’s ban on same-sex marriage. According to a filing released yesterday, the state is calling discredited researcher Mark Regnerus as an “expert witness” on their behalf.  As tipster Str8 Grandmother put it in an email, those documents from UCF can’t come quickly enough.

Also on Michigan’s expert witness list is Professor Joseph Price from Utah’s Brigham Young University.  Earlier this year Price and four other (presumably Mormon) members of the Brigham Young social sciences faculty filed an anti-gay SCOTUS brief against the overturn of DOMA.  Their brief denounced the APA’s position that gay people make fine parents. From the brief: “Boys who do not regularly experience the love, discipline, and modeling of a good father are more likely to engage in what is called ‘compensatory masculinity’ where they reject and denigrate all that is feminine and instead seek to prove their masculinity by engaging in domineering and violent behavior.” In other words, lesbian parents produce violent boys.

Another familiar name on Michigan’s list of defense witnesses is Professor Douglas Allen, of Canada’s Simon Fraser University. Allen sits on the board of directors of NOM’s hate-satellite, the Ruth Institute. Allen is a supporter of Mark Regnerus and claims to have analyzed a 2000 census and come to the conclusion that “children being raised by same-sex couples are 35% less likely to make normal progress through school.”

The final name on Michigan’s list of so-called experts is Louisiana State University’s Professor Loren Marks, whose study on gay parenting was published in the same July 2012 issue of Social Science Research as the Regnerus study. And like the Regnerus study, the work by Marks has been denounced as a “lowbrow meta-analysis of studies” that was “inappropriate for a journal that publishes original quantitative research.”

RELATED: For those unaware, NOM’s Ruth Institute says the foul and repulsive things that the relatively moderate NOM is afraid to say. In particular, the Ruth Institute’s Jennifer Roback Morse, who has testified before many state legislatures, routinely denounces LGBT people in the most disgusting manner.  Some of her greatest hits: Morse says that gay people themselves know they are an abomination. Morse says that gay people want to outlaw Christianity.  Morse says that people who “choose” to be gay will go to hell. Morse mocks the suicide of Rutgers student Tyler Clementi.