“I recently returned from Peru and it was quite an eye opening experience. I was invited there and I had an opportunity to speak to Congress and also the head of the attorneys and the head of the judiciary and the head of all the educational accrediting body as well. And one of the things that they are concerned with is that America is trying to undermine that Judeo Christian foundation, particularly the Obama administration is funding through the State Department and other ways pro-abortion initiatives, pro-LGBT initiatives, lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, etcetera, and same-sex marriage initiatives.
“My message was about worldview and two different worldviews, one with God and one without God and how it makes a difference in law and policy. And then I took it down to specifics such as abortion and marriage and that these are part of God’s natural created order, that there’s a sanctity of human life because we are created in God’s image and marriage is part of God’s natural created order and it is part of the very first form of government and that we must protect those and I encouraged the Peruvians to stand strong. So after that, we got an ovation, a standing ovation there, and to my amazement then, the next part of the ceremony was they awarded me a Congressional Medal of Honor.” – Hate group leader Mat Staver, getting an award from a foreign government for encouraging them to oppress their own people.