HomoQuotable – Robert Oscar Lopez

“Children have a right to a mom and a dad. You don’t ask sociologists to prove to us that free speech and liberty from slavery are justifiable because you can prove the negative impacts of being denied those rights. You can’t do that when it comes to a child’s right to a mom and a dad. Same-sex parenting flagrantly violates children’s rights, deprives them of inalienable rights, and risks inflicting grievous emotional distress on them, with no justification whatsoever, other than the whims of adults. It is abuse. It is abuse. Face it.” – Robert Oscar Lopez, writing today on his personal blog.

RELATED: In addition to appearing on stage at an anti-gay Manif
Pour Tous rally in France, Lopez has testified against LGBT equality
before several state legislatures and he co-signed an anti-gay homocon
brief to the Supreme Court.