“As we look back on history there are dates which we now see were crossroads, turning points for nations and cultures. July 4, 1776; June 6, 1944. December 7, 1941; January 22, 1973. Battles fought, decisions made – some establishing goodness and justice, others are dates that ‘will live in infamy.’ God will not bless a nation that puts a stamp of approval upon that which he calls an abomination.
“The evidences of God’s displeasure are evident and becoming more so with each passing day. We are rapidly coming upon a time when a handful of unelected, increasingly politicized appointees are demonstrating that their allegiance to the U.S. Constitution and to natural law is under question. However, God’s law supercedes [sic] man’s. As Christians, we must defy man’s law if it requires us to break the law of God.” – Lisa Van Houten, writing for the American Decency Association. (Via Right Wing Watch)