IRELAND: Constitutional Convention Votes For Referendum On Same-Sex Marriage

This morning the Irish Constitutional Convention voted overwhelmingly for a referendum on same-sex marriage. Via the Irish Examiner:

The Convention decided to recommend that the Constitution be changed to allow for civil marriage for same-sex couples, with 79 of the 100 members in favour of the motion. Nineteen delegates voted against, with one ‘no opinion’. A report will now be drafted and the recommendations of the Constitutional Convention will now go to Government. After the report is officially sent to the Oireachtas, the Government are committed to responding within four months by way of a debate in the Oireachtas and if it agrees with the recommendation to amend the Constitution, to include a timeframe for a referendum.

A poll taken late last year showed that 75% of the Irish public supports same-sex marriage.

The poll, which was carried out in late 2012 by Millward Brown Lansdowne for Marriage Equality, shows 75 per cent of people would vote yes in a referendum to extend civil marriage to same-sex couples. In 2008, 63 per cent of respondents said they would vote yes. The only age range where the majority of people said they would vote no is the over-65s, which went from 27 per cent in 2008 to 43 per cent. A further two out of three people said they felt Ireland’s reputation as a modern society will be strengthened by allowing same-sex couples to have civil marriages, while three out of five people agree that allowing same-sex couples to have civil marriages will promote a more tolerant environment in Ireland.

(Tipped by JMG reader Ronan)