A Washington state man called the GOP sponsors of the bill to legalize anti-gay discrimination by businesses. Via Anna Minard at Slog, here’s what one office told him:
During the phone calls, he says he asked staffers some variation of the question “What are rural gays supposed to do if the only gas station or grocery store for miles won’t sell them gas and food?” Castro says the staffer at Hewitt’s office surprised him with the answer “Well, gay people can just grow their own food.” When Castro then asked the male staffer his name, he refused to identify himself, reportedly responding, “I don’t have to tell you that,” then, “Don’t call here again,” and hanging up the phone. This happened at around 11:00 this morning.
About an hour after Castro’s call, I called Hewitt’s office myself to find out if—and more importantly why—government staffers are telling gay people to “grow their own food” if straight Christians don’t want to sell them groceries. My conversation was brief, to say the least. When I asked about the bill, the male staffer who answered the phone immediately directed me to a spokesperson for the state Republicans. When I clarified that I was calling to ask about Hewitt’s sponsorship of the bill in particular, he said he had no comment.
Return calls to the office were hung up upon.