Today the Senate reauthorized the Violence Against Women Act, which is LGBT-inclusive. The Human Rights Campaign explains:
The VAWA reauthorization bill passed by the Senate strengthens essential services for LGBT victims of domestic violence in three key ways. First, the bill ensures that all programs or activities receiving funding from VAWA provide services regardless of a person’s actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity. Second, it explicitly includes the LGBT community in the largest VAWA grant program, the “STOP Grant Program,” which provides funding to care providers who collaborate with prosecution and law enforcement officials to address domestic violence. Finally, the bill establishes a grant program specifically aimed at providing services and outreach to underserved populations, including those who face obstacles to care based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.
The vote was 78-22 and all of the “no” votes came from GOP men. The bill is expected to face fierce opposition in the House. The original 1994 act expired in 2011 and failed to be reauthorized last year.