GOProud Banned From CPAC (Again)

GOProud has again been barred from participating in CPAC, the annual wingnut conference where the far-right plots on voter suppression, getting Jesus into public schools, and how to thwart civil equality for LGBT Americans.  You may recall the 2011 kerfuffle in which then-GOProud head Chris Barron called CPAC organizer Cleta Mitchell a “nasty bigot,” for which Barron later apologized after other GOProud board members publicly denounced him.  (Mitchell, of course, is the attorney who won the Citizens United case before the Supreme Court.  Her anti-gay activism is thought by many to have its roots in the fact that her husband left her for another man.)  Shortly after the “nasty bigot” controversy, the CPAC board voted to ban GOProud and any other “homosexual advocacy group” from future conventions, so despite today’s homocon outrage on Twitter, it’s no shocker that GOProud isn’t on the 2013 CPAC roster.