Maggie Gallagher To Defend Jewish “Ex-Gay” Group Against SPLC Lawsuit

A recently-formed legal group chaired by Maggie Gallagher announced today that they will defend the “ex-gay” Jewish group JONAH against the fraud lawsuit filed last month by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

JONAH is a faith-based, nonprofit organization that offers assistance to men and women seeking to resolve their sexual conflicts, including unwanted same sex attractions. JONAH has been unjustly sued by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) who claims that homosexuality is permanently fixed and that people cannot be helped in overcoming their unwanted same-sex attractions.

SPLC ‘s position is inconsistent with numerous scientific and medical opinions and studies, finding that sexual attraction is influenced by many factors, both environmental and biological. Even certain gay activist groups claim that sexual attractions can be fluid and change throughout people’s lives. SPLC’s allegations also ignore the thousands of people who have already benefitted from programs, such as those offered by JONAH and others, many of whom are now living their life long dreams, including traditional marriage and children.

From the Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund website:

The official launch of the Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund (FCDF) took place at the beautiful home of Claire Reiss in La Jolla, California on September 6, 2012. About 75 people gathered to hear various speakers—including chairperson Maggie Gallagher—who addressed the pressing need for the FCDF. FCDF’s president and chief counsel, Charles LiMandri, had previously attended a private summit on marriage and religious liberty in New York, which gathered together Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Archbishop-Elect Salvatore Cordileone, Princeton University’s Robbie George, the evangelical pastor Jim Garlow, and many others. At that summit, it quickly became clear that serious Catholics, Protestants, Jews, and Mormons all agree: if we do not halt the secular progressive agenda of harassment and intimidation of people of conscience, our children will not experience or enjoy the freedom and liberty that we have long known as Americans.