Join Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio, Bishop of the Diocese of Brooklyn, for a religious liberty forum at St. John’s University, Queens Campus. Speakers include: Marjorie Dannenfelser, President of the Susan B. Anthony List; Dr. Robert P. George, McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton University; Alan Sears, President, CEO and General Counsel of Alliance Defending Freedom; and Eric Teetsel, Executive Director of the Manhattan Declaration. Sponsored by the Diocese of Brooklyn, The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, Knights of Columbus New York Council, and Priests for Life.
For those unaware, signers of the Manhattan Declaration avow that they will “civilly disobey” laws that protect LGBT people from discrimination. The Manhattan Declaration was recently cited in the RICO lawsuit filed against numerous anti-gay groups alleged to be accomplices in the kidnapping of the child of a lesbian mother. Some of the parties named in the lawsuit have signed the Manhattan Declaration. Note that NOM co-founder Robert George will be attending the Brooklyn meeting.