Lutheran And Anglican Churches To Align In “Holy Battle” Against LGBT Rights

The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod and the Anglican Church have agreed to unite in “holy battle” against the civil equality of LGBT Americans. The Christian Post reports:

The cooperation between the two denominations is a reason for joy at a time when “there is a widespread failure to recognize the biblical teaching regarding the creation of man and woman and their biblical roles, life-issues, and other grave challenges that society faces,” LCMS President the Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison said in a statement Friday as the two bodies released a joint report summarizing the areas of agreement. The joint report recognizes “a pervasive threat to the understanding of marriage as the life-long union of a man and woman as husband and wife and oppose any efforts to redefine marriage in any other terms.” The churches affirmed the biblical teaching that God intends sexuality only to be fully enacted within the sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman. “We oppose efforts within society or by some churches to view other sexual relationships as moral alternatives to heterosexual marriage.”