Concerned Women Are Concernstipated About Those Liberal Lovers At Starbucks

“I’ve known for a while that the founders of Starbucks were left-of-center. But I convinced myself that, so long as they stayed out of public policy, I could remain a customer. Sadly, this is no longer the case. What is most frustrating about Starbucks’ liberal support is that it totally disregards the traditional views of many customers and staff members. Considering that there are twice as many conservatives as there are liberals, Starbucks should heed [NOM’s] warnings. Ponder the impact of lost business from loyal customers. In this economy, I was willing to spend more on a cup of coffee than a gallon of gas! Big Oil vs. Big Coffee; I’m not sure which would win. Coffee-loving, traditional values voters deserve more respect. I guess it’s time to bite the bullet and drink the overly strong office coffee.” – Chelsen Vicari, writing for the Concerned Women For America.