Washington United
“We thank Gov. Gregoire for her tremendous leadership in passing this landmark legislation,” said Lacey All, Chair of Washington United for Marriage. “From her moving remarks endorsing the legislation to her unwavering courage and commitment throughout the legislative process, the Governor has been a key ally in forming the bipartisan coalition that passed this bill. Without her years of dedication to equality, Washington’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community would not enjoy antidiscrimination protections, domestic partnerships or marriage equality. We owe her our heartfelt gratitude and sincerest thanks.”
Human Rights Campaign
“Today’s signature of the marriage equality law puts Washington on the road to fairness for all families,” said HRC President Joe Solmonese. “While those opposed to marriage for gay and lesbian couples will no doubt try to undo this progress, I am confident that equality will prevail in Washington.” “This victory was possible thanks to the hard work of so many on the ground in Washington,” said Solmonese. “Our congratulations go to Sen. Ed Murray and Rep. Jamie Pedersen, along with Gov. Gregoire, who were incredible leaders in this effort.”
“Today, yet another state has rendered into law what a majority of Americans already know in their hearts: committed couples should be able to marry the person they love. As millions of people celebrate their love this Valentine’s Day, countless gay and lesbian couples in Washington State are finally one step closer to enjoying the vital protections that only marriage can afford.”
Lambda Legal
Governor Christine Gregoire today signed a historic measure into law that ends the exclusion of same-sex couples from marriage in Washington. Gov. Gregoire has been a champion of marriage equality this year, and we thank her for her leadership and the many brave members of the state legislature who voted for this bill. We also thank Washington United for Marriage, the coalition of organizations, congregations, unions, and business associations that has worked tirelessly to secure civil marriage for loving, committed gay and lesbian couples.