NEW YORK: Hate Group Files Suit To Overturn Same-Sex Marriage

Led by Rev. Jason McQuire, today the New Yorkers For Constitutional Freedoms filed suit to overturn same-sex marriage.

McGuire claims that the state Senate, in adopting the legislation, violated the state’s Open Meetings Law by closing off the Senate galleries and lobby; and by holding closed door meetings with Mayor Bloomberg and others who backed the law.The group also claims, among other things, that Gov. Cuomo and the Senate ignored the constitutionally mandated three-day waiting period before a bill can be acted upon and that lawmakers approved the legislation in exchange for campaign contributions from Bloomberg and other high profile “Wall Street financiers.”

“It is unfortunate that state senators chose to protect their personal interests, rather than the people they were elected to represent. Some of the players may have changed, but it looks like same old Albany game. It is time the curtain be pulled back and the disinfecting light of good government shine upon the Cuomo Administration and our State Legislature,” McGuire said in a press release.

A spokesman for Gov. Cuomo’s office denounced the suit as “without merit.”

UPDATE: The above-linked story fails to note that the lawsuit was actually filed by Dead Jerry Falwell’s Liberty Counsel. On behalf of the haters above.