“Why have gay activists instigated media attention over ex-gays and the husband of Presidential candidate Michelle Bachmann? Apparently, Mr. Bachmann, who has a PhD in clinical psychology, operates several counseling centers which also offer services to homosexual clients seeking to overcome unwanted same-sex attractions. But because even one ex-gay proves that homosexual behavior is not innate or immutable, the gay lobby’s fear of their former members results in false claims and attacks aimed at preventing homosexuals from exercising their right to self-determination. They cannot bear to have even one homosexual leave homosexuality, hence their outrage at Dr. Bachmann. I know because I am ex-gay myself. I suffer more harassment as a former homosexual than I ever did as an out and proud homosexual.” – PFOX head Greg Quinlan, who wants President Obama to recognize “ex-gay” as its own separate sexual orientation.
Tags bigotry brainwashing ex-gay Greg Quinlan HomoQuotable Michele Bachmann religion still totally gay