Noisy Neighbors

After buying a new condo, a San Francisco man is upset because he wasn’t warned in advance that his downstairs neighbor is into noisy leather sex. And now he can’t let his ten year-old son move in.

Hagerty said all was well until he announced that he intended to remove the carpet and padding in his unit to help with allergies. The downstairs condo owner explained in an April 24 e-mail that he opposed the idea. “I am a sexual enthusiast and enjoy leather sex,” the man wrote. “At times, it is possible and even likely that the sounds of leather sex will be coming from my bedrooms to your bedrooms without an effective sound barrier. While it is not my issue, you may find you need to explain things to your son as it could be confusing to him since it frequently doesn’t sound as pleasurable as it is.” “I just don’t think it is appropriate for my son to bear witness to that,” Hagerty said. But the neighbor says if Hagerty just left the carpet and pad on the floor everything would be fine. “My lifestyle shouldn’t have anything to do with this,” he said. “I could be singing Chinese opera in my bedroom.”

The realtor who worked on the sale says he had no responsibility to disclose the sexual habits or noisiness of neighbors.