GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter To Introduce Amendments To Thwart DADT Repeal

Wingnut Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) will introduce amendments to the Defense Authorization Act which will require each member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to certify that the repeal of DADT won’t damage military readiness. Under Hunter’s plan, one renegade service head could potentially undo the repeal.

“The four military service chiefs are far more closely connected to the day-to-day realities facing each respective service branch than those who are currently required to sign off on the repeal, including the President,” Hunter said in a press statement. Currently, President Obama, the Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff are the only people required to sign off that the military is ready to end “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.”

Washington Blade’s Chris Johnson notes that Hunter’s bill has a good chance of passage in the GOP-dominated House Armed Services Committee.

If the Hunter amendment is supported in committee along party lines, the measure would likely pass because Republicans enjoy a majority on the panel by a margin of 35-27. After the defense authorization bill is reported to the House floor, a similar vote of approval could be expected on the House floor because Republican have control of the chamber. The bill could see a House floor vote as early as the week of May 23.

It does appear that the repeal of DADT could be formally certified before any Senate version of Hunter’s bill could be considered.