CONNECTICUT: Wingnuts Organize Against Proposed Transgender Rights Bill

Anti-gay and Christianist groups are organizing against Connecticut’s proposed transgender rights bill by characterizing the measure as a “bathroom bill” that will allow men in dresses the freedom to molest little girls in public restrooms. This tactic, sadly, has worked in other states.

The Connecticut Legislature is about to vote on HB6599, the “Bathroom Bill”, which gives broad and needless special privileges to “transgendered individuals” but from which all amendments to protect the public and children have been defeated by Democrats kowtowing to the extremist LGBT lobby. As a result this bill as now constituted, would permit ANY man who claims female “gender identity” even if he just wears a dress cannot be excluded from any job statewide, and MUST be given access to women’s facilities, including public and private women’s restrooms, locker rooms and showers. The “Gay Mafia” is fighting tooth and nail to win this fight, because it could be used as a model nationwide. We must stop this right here, right now, in CT.

The above-linked article warns: “It means that a man who is a sexual predator could claim to be ‘transgendered’ and enter a women’s public bathroom, locker room or shower. DO YOU WANT YOUR WIFE OR DAUGHTER IN THIS SITUATION?”