“The basis for the individual mandate was the Commerce Clause — that Congress has the constitutional authority to regulate commerce between the states. [But] not accessing healthcare from any source, let alone not purchasing health insurance, none of that is interstate commerce and should not be.
“The dozen or so new Republican governors and the almost 700 new Republicans in the state legislatures, they can throw a lot of wrenches in the works by refusing to accept some of the mandates from ObamaCare…deciding not to participate in it and joining the lawsuits through the court side. The third piece is Congress can’t rely on any of that to get the job done for us; we have to do the job ourselves as well. That means passing a stand-alone repeal of ObamaCare.” – Wingnut Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), saying that the U.S. House can repeal health care reform “in the first few days of the new session.”