Family Research Council Vows To “Endorse & Fund” 2012 Primary Challengers To Senators Who Vote To Repeal DADT

Expanding on yesterday’s threat against Sen. Olympia Snowe, today the Family Research Council announced that they will “endorse and fund” primary challengers to any Senator who votes to repeal DADT tomorrow. Via Right Wing Watch:

We are pledging today to endorse, and help fund, conservative primary challengers to any U.S. Senator who votes during the lame-duck session to overturn ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.’ FRC Action PAC will work to remove any U.S. Senator who would place liberal special interests ahead of the priorities of the American people. The U.S. Senate has twice rejected the overturn of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.’ Despite this, Majority Leader Harry Reid continues with his obsession while failing to address the essential responsibilities of the federal government. As three of the four service chiefs have made clear, the men and women of the Armed Forces who are engaged in fighting two wars should not be distracted by Congress using them to advance a liberal social agenda.

They are freaking out, folks! This is a good sign.