The city of Atlanta has agreed to pay a $1M settlement over last year’s outrageous police raid of the Eagle, a popular leather bar where employees and patrons were forced to lie on a filthy floor as cops reportedly shouted anti-gay slurs. The Georgia Voice reports:
The Atlanta City Council voted unanimously this afternoon to approve a $1.025 million settlement in a federal lawsuit over the Atlanta Police Department’s 2009 raid on the Atlanta Eagle, a gay bar on Ponce de Leon Avenue. The settlement must now go back to the federal judge for final approval. All parties in the case are under a gag order until the settlement is finalized. Before the vote, the council met in closed executive session to discuss the proposed settlement, which was reached Friday between city attorneys and attorneys for patrons and employees of the Eagle. The settlement resolution includes $1.025 million to go into an escrow account with Lambda Legal, one of two nonprofit legal groups that joined attorney Dan Grossman in representing the Eagle plaintiffs. The Southern Center for Human Rights also joined the case.
Those arrested on the night of the raid either had their charges dismissed or were found not guilty.