Liberal radio host David Pakman interviews AFA nutbag Bryan Fischer, who declares that the SPLC belongs on their own hate list for “telling lies about homosexuality.” Watch Pakman throw Fischer’s own lies back in his face. Some Fischer quotes from the clips:
-“We’re the ones telling the truth about the link between homosexuality and pedophilia.”
-“Active participation in the homosexual lifestyle will deprive a male of anywhere between 8 and 20 years of his life expectancy”
-“There is ‘no such thing as a monogamous homosexual relationship’”
-“The rectal wall is one cell thick”
-“We need to take our cue from gay porn actors”
-“Those homosexual activists that are so intent on normalizing homosexual behavior…they must be harboring some deep seated longing to be straight”
-“Homosexual activists must be latently heterosexual”