Photo Of The Day – Gay Xmas Trees

Treetopia is running a billboard in Los Angeles advertising their dreadful rainbow Xmas tree. From the product description on their site, which is “written” by the tree itself:

My first home was in a Vacation Bible School classroom where the students were learning all about Noah’s Ark and God’s promise to never again destroy the earth. Life was full of love; children sat close to me to be around the happiness that comes from rainbows and Christmas. I got to play the rainbow in all the church pageants. I was happy. But one day the new minister’s wife ran in screaming, “That tree is a bad influence on my little boy!!!” She pointed a shaking finger at me, and two burly members of the congregation picked me up and put me in a closet-like box. I didn’t understand what the uproar was about. After all, I’m Just a Rainbow Tree. A few months and a cross country trek later, those closet doors were thrown open and I alighted onto the floor of a thrift store in San Francisco. A crowd gathered around; their “oohs” and “aahs” and “Fabulous!” escalated until they hoisted me onto their shoulders. I was paraded up and down Castro Street, and soon a line formed behind me as we sang “Somewhere over the Rainbow”. I was so overwhelmed by the immediate acceptance and love that I just burst into tears.

Proud sobbing rainbow trees are available for $229.

(Tipped by JMG reader Dr. Jeff)