AmericaBlog reports:
Senator Jim Webb (D-VA) voted against the compromise DADT amendment in the Senate Armed Services Committee on May 27th. He’s getting a visit from GetEQUAL today, which you can follow on GetEQUAL’s Facebook page and via Twitter.the 2006 campaign, Webb wore the combat boots of his son who was serving in Iraq. Servicemembers will be leaving their combat boots for Webb, which is a powerful symbol. During the 2006 campaign, Webb wore the combat boots of his son who was serving in Iraq.
Joe Sudbay notes that the following Senators are uncommitted to breaking a possible GOP filibuster:
–Susan Collins (R-ME)
–Olympia Snowe (R-ME)
–Mark Pryor (D-Ark.)
–Richard Lugar (R-IN)
–Judd Gregg (R-NH)
–Jim Webb (D-VA)
–George Voinovich (R-OH)
Have you called your Senators today? The vote is scheduled for Tuesday at 2:30pm.