BULGARIA: Orthodox Bishop Hands Out Medals For Opposing LGBT Rights

An Orthodox bishop in Bulgaria has awarded his diocese’s highest honor to two men for “defending Christianity” against Satanic homosexuals. The medals went to a local mayor and prosecutor who are behind an attempt to outlaw any public expression of homosexuality such as hand-holding or gay pride parades.

“There is something called public morality. The society is not obliged to watch how somebody is sticking into its eyes their own travesty, and to watch how somebody is destroying the souls of our children, and pours poison into the very idea about the sanctity of the bond between a man and a woman that forms a family. The task of the Orthodox Church assigned by our God Jesus Christ himself, is to protect the moral and ethical principles of scripture. The job of the church is to condemn the devil when he tries to destroy this holy order,” declared Bishop Nikolay upon bestowing the medals. He reminded that in June the Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church denounced the Sofia Pride gay parade.

The Bulgarian capital of Sofia has staged small pride parades for the last three years under the heavy protection of national riot police.