Super Loon Eugene Delgaudio: Repeal Of DADT Means Soldiers Will Get AIDS From Sharing Showers With Homos

“In addition to the influx of homosexuals serving openly in the military, the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell will bring dire consequences for our soldiers. Soldiers share very close quarters and are under a great deal of stress while serving on the front line. The sudden change in military structure would add distractions from worrying about accidentally contracting AIDs by sharing showers and quarters to unwanted sexual advances and flamboyant displays of homosexual ‘pride.’ Would you be able to perform your job if you were constantly having to worry about contracting a deadly disease? It’s vital our soldiers are given every advantage possible, not given something to worry about.” – Eugene Delgaudio of the bizarre Public Advocate of the United States. You may recall that Delgaudio claims to have delivered one million anti-gay petitions to Congress.