At GOProud’s Homocon 2010 event in NYC last night, headliner Ann Coulter told the assembled Quislings that they had no civil right to marriage. Because, after all, they’re not BLACK. Ben Smith reports at Politico:
Coulter’s presence at the event was controversial, as other gay activists pointed out that she’d made a series of anti-gay remarks — she called former presidential candidate John Edwards a “faggot” — which she explained away at the top of her speech as humor. “The people who get gay jokes are gays,” she said, adding that when she talks to Christian audience, “Out of sweetness they don’t laugh at the gay jokes.” Coulter’s jokes Tuesday riffed on the theme that GOProud doesn’t make same-sex marriage central to its appeal; it considers, Barron says, national security and the economy more important. Marriage “is not a civil right – you’re not black,” Coulter said to nervous laughter. She went on to note that gays are among the wealthiest demographic groups in the country. “Blacks must be looking at the gays saying, ‘Why can’t we be oppressed like that?’”
Politico also reports that homocon lesbian radio host Tammy Bruce compared GOProud to ACT-UP, saying the two groups “have the same energy.”