In a 3-3 split decision (one seat is vacant), this morning the New Jersey Supreme Court declined to hear a case challenging the unfairness of the state’s civil unions law. The case was brought by Lambda Legal and Garden State Equality. Metro Weekly’s Chris Geidner quotes GSE:
“Because of the legislature’s inability to act and the Supreme Court’s decision today, New Jersey continues in a caste system where an entire people are thrown aside into a profoundly inferior status, spit on, dumped on, utterly degraded, by hospitals and employers who mock the term “civil union.” Children will continue to live with an imprimatur of inferiority, psychologically devastated because they can’t marry or because their same-sex parents cannot marry. Same-sex couples will continue to be denied the consistent right to visit one another in the hospital, to make medical decisions for one another, and to receive equal health benefits from employers, all because of the deprivation of the equality and dignity that uniquely comes with the word ‘marriage.’