Reporters from the wingnut Washington Examiner loaded up Grindr on their iPhone and tried to zero in on gay men around Capitol Hill, the White House, and the Pentagon. Unsurprisingly, they found lots of action.
Yeas & Nays visited three of Washington’s power centers — Capitol Hill, the White House and the Pentagon — to see if the application is truly being used everywhere. There were pages and pages of men on Capitol Hill. Just outside the House gallery, we were 393 feet away from an attractive 27-year-old Georgetown grad. On the White House lawn, only 17 gay men were within our reach, but once inside the press briefing room, the application identified many more options. On the Pentagon grounds, the device offered several pages of available gay men. That could be a problem for military workers in the building — even though the House voted last week to repeal “don’t ask, don’t tell,” it’s still being enforced. “Being out anyway, including on GrindR, is still a risk under ‘don’t ask, don’t tell,’ ” said Aaron Tax, a legal director at Servicemembers Legal Defense Network.
The below clip may seem lighthearted, but it serves as a reminder that the person homing in on your iPhone may not be a friend.
UPDATE: Mediaite’s Michael Triplett finds holes in the story.