Openly gay GOP candidate Matthew Berry, who was backed by GOProud, lost his primary bid for Congress yesterday to newcomer Patrick Murray, who was backed by the Log Cabin Republicans.
Via the Washington Blade:
Matthew Berry, who’s gay and an attorney for the Federal Communications Commission, was seeking the Republican nomination to represent Virginia’s 8th congressional district, which comprises Arlington and Alexandria. But Berry lost to Patrick Murray, an Iraq war veteran, who took nearly 52 percent of the vote in a race where nearly 14,000 ballots were cast. Murray is set to face Democratic candidate Rep. Jim Moran this November in the general election. After conceding the race, Berry told the Blade he’s “disappointed” he had insufficient votes to win the nomination, but said he felt he ran “a very honorable and good campaign.”
Berry believes that same-sex marriage should be decided by the states, meaning he endorses the 31 successful anti-gay referendums that have taken place in recent years. He also opposes the immediate repeal of DADT. The LCR-backed winner, Patrick Murray, is no fucking prize himself.