Over the last seven days…
Illinois: Pastor Christian J. Johnson and his wife arrested for car theft and meth possession.
Maryland: Pentecostal Bishop Roan Samuel Faulkner arrested for sexually assaulting a female parishioner.
Canada: Bishop Raymond Lahey set to begin trial for possession of child pornography. Lahey has also been accused of molesting an orphan boy in his care.
New York: Pastor Phillip Joubert puts his church up for bail collateral after being charged with rape, incest, and sexual abuse of a child. Joubert does not own the church.
Maryland: Father Michael L. Barnes pleads guilty to child molestation.
Ireland: Father Oliver O’Grady will get $94K from his diocese in an annuity payment, even though he’s been convicted of child molestation.
Connecticut: Pastor Iura Godenciuc to pay $26K in fines after larceny arrest for lying about his address to change the school his kids attend. The school district says he owes $76K.
Australia: Father Victor Farrugia charged with eight counts of indecent sexual assault.
Florida: Youth Pastor Paul A. Lisowski stabs himself in the neck as deputies close in to arrest him for violating a protection order on an underage girl.
Nigeria: Father Felix Afolayan charged with defrauding 110 people of millions by promising them Canadian visas.
Colorado: Pastor Douglas Alan Scott loses appeal on $12M hedge fund scam conviction. Scott defrauded more than 400 parishioners.
Italy: Bishop Gino Reali charged as an accessory for covering up multiple child molestations committed by a priest in his diocese.
This Week’s Winner
Denmark: In 2005 a Catholic priest in charge of teaching children was convicted of downloading 38 child pornography films, but it wasn’t until last month that he was suspended. And Bishop Czeslaw Kozlon, head of the Catholic Church in Denmark, didn’t even tell his parish why the suspension finally took place. (They learned the truth from reporters.) The Danish Catholic Church is also facing accusations that an elderly senile nun froze to death after she was locked out of church for making noise during the morning prayers.