According to Hawaii’s anti-gay Lt. Gov. James Aiona, his boss is going to put the state’s pending civil unions bill on the potential veto list on Monday.
Aiona said that does not mean the governor will veto the bill that would give all the rights of marriage under Hawaii law to same sex and heterosexual couples. “It will be a potential veto and the governor right now is crafting her decision as to whether of not she will or will not veto that bill. Some, we will find out. The deadline for that is July 6,” Aiona said. The governor’s potential veto list is to inform lawmakers of bill that might be vetoed to give them time to determine if they want to override her vetoes.
Hawaiian evangelists and the Honolulu Catholic Diocese have been furiously lobbying Lingle ever since the legislature approved civil unions in a surprise last minute vote in the final hours of this year’s session.
(Tipped by JMG reader Rian)