The FDA begins hearings today on whether to drop the decades-long ban on gay men donating blood. Numerous LGBT and progressive sites are participating in a blog-swarm, asking their readers to submit comments.
Dr. Jerry Holmberg is the Executive Secretary of the Advisory Committee, and is tasked with accepting formal public comments from both organizations and individuals. He has made his e-mail available for this purpose. Please take a minute to e-mail Dr. Holmberg via [email protected] and urge him and the committee to revise the ban on blood donations from men who have sex with men.
You can find scientific support for your comment at this link. Among those testifying today is Cliff Kincaid of the virulently anti-gay group, American’s Survival. Christian Newswire reveals today what Kincaid plans to say.
“Do you or your loved ones want to die in order to advance the gay rights agenda? Once again, as we have seen in the gays in the military debate, the gays are constantly screaming about their rights, oblivious to the point of madness about the rights of others. In this case, it’s our right to be free of infected blood when our loved ones get a blood transfusion. But unless the public quickly offers its comments and raises an outcry with the federal authorities coming under the influence and intimidation of the gay rights lobby, the ‘right’ to donate blood could soon be extended to a politically-connected special interest group that has a demonstrated propensity to acquire life-threatening and deadly diseases.”