According to the Liberty Counsel’s Matt Barber, he and many others in the “biblical arena” have contacted Peter LaBarbera to congratulate him about the Southern Poverty Law Center’s designation of Americans For Truth as a hate site.
One question is why SPLC would pick on a small ministry like AFTAH. “They started with them and have not yet gone after groups like Focus on the Family for instance, or the Family Research Council, the American Family Association, Liberty Counsel — other groups that adhere to biblical Christianity in terms of sexual morality,” the attorney notes. “They haven’t started targeting them yet because that’s what bullies do. They pick on people that they perceive as smaller and weaker.” Barber and many other people in the biblical arena have contacted LaBarbera to offer congratulations. He argues that the SPLC’s designation actually “confers an honor” on legitimate Christian and conservative groups.
Yes, folks. They are honored to be categorized alongside the Ku Klux Klan, Stormfront, the Nation of Islam, and Aryan Nation. Birds of a feather.