World Net Daily founder Joseph Farah, who will co-headline next month’s Tea Party convention with Sarah Palin, has raised the reward for proof of the president’s birth in Hawaii.
More than five months ago now, around Obama’s alleged Aug. 4 birthday, I stepped out publicly and offered a $10,000 charitable gift to the hospital found on his long-form birth certificate. All he or the hospital or the state of Hawaii would have to do to claim the prize is show the American public the document that should have been produced long ago to claim the presidency as a natural born citizen. As I said back then, “We’ve tried the stick. Today, as Barack Obama celebrates what he claims to be his birthday, I want to try the carrot approach. Obama has said he was born in Kapi’olani Hospital in Honolulu. He participated in a fundraiser for the medical center in January. WND will send a check to whatever birth hospital is listed on his long-form birth certificate. All Obama has to do to see that donation made is to release it publicly.” Today I will amend that challenge. Since politicians in Hawaii are so interested in honoring Obama, why not use their influence on him to produce the proof that will lead to a cash contribution – no strings attached – to a worthy charity. In fact, I’ll make it $15,000!
Farah said he is raising the reward because of the plan to rename a public park in Hawaii after the president. Below is the “Certificate Of Live Muslim Kenyan Birth To A White Lady,” one of the many parody birth certificates that have flooded teh interwebs.