
From last night’s favorite trending topic on Twitter…

  • Hey baby, only my government is small.
  • I wanna whisper sweet anti-immigrant, homophobic, racist, xenophobic nothings into your ear.
  • How about you and me go have sex – lights out, missionary position, for the sole purpose of reproduction?
  • I wanna unravel your conspiracy so my revolution can erupt all over you.
  • The real reason I’m against tax increases? So I can spend all my money on you, girl.
  • You’re hotter than the burning cross I put in my black neighbor’s front lawn.
  • Is that a Glenn Beck bobblehead in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
  • On the border I’m a Minuteman, but in the bedroom I’m alllll night.
  • Lets go back to my place and declare independence from our clothes.
  • Wanna see my paintings of an eagle crying over the New York skyline on 9/11?