It takes a lot of work to amend the Iowa state constitution, but anti-gay forces there have launched the first salvo in a campaign intended to result in the 2014 overturn of marriage equality. From the petition of LUV (Let Us Vote) Iowa:
Whereas: Marriage as established by God should be recognized by the civil power as legally, morally and historically between one man and one woman only; andWhereas: A rogue Iowa Supreme Court has exceeded it proper constitutional authority, to claim legitimacy for so-called “marriages” of men with men and women with women, by usurping powers properly belonging to the legislative and executive branches of our state government; and Whereas: A well funded, elite minority group of activists, supported by a wealthy, out-of-state homosexual instigator named Tim Gill, took advantage of an unaware public to plan and execute a judicial branch revolution to try to overthrow the settled law, and the will of the people, on marriage in Iowa; and .
There’s a few more whereas-es, but you get the drift.