FBI Photoshop Fail

When the FBI passed around their “computer-aged” photo of Osama Bin Laden a few days ago, a Spanish politician recognized Osama’s hairstyle.

Gaspar Llamazares said he would no longer feel safe travelling to the US after his hair and parts of his face appeared on a most-wanted poster. He said the use of a real person for the mocked-up image was “shameless”. The FBI admitted a forensic artist had obtained certain facial features “from a photograph he found on the internet”. The digitally-altered photos of the al-Qaeda leader, showing how he might look now, aged 52, were published on the state department’s Rewards for Justice website on Friday. Officials said they had adapted a 1998 file image to take account of a decade’s worth of aging, and possible changes to facial hair.

The FBI responded with a “whoopsie!”