Brad Graham, the gay blogging pioneer who coined the term “blogosphere” in 1999, has died unexpectedly at the age of 41.
His body was found Monday at his home in the city’s Shaw Neighborhood. Although the time and the cause of death remain unknown, Graham seems to have died of natural causes, said Steven Woolf, artistic director of the Repertory Theatre of St. Louis. Graham was the theater’s longtime public relations manager. “We are all mystified,” Woolf said. Woolf said he last saw Graham on Dec. 31. “He was in a terrific mood, very upbeat,” Woolf recalled. “We had a great conversation. He was an important part of our family. Actors and artists all liked working with him, and he loved this theater. He was a real professional.” Although Graham started out as a writer in conventional media, he embraced new technology. He loved to blog and Tweet, and was known as a generous coach to those who needed advice and encouragement in new forms.
Graham’s blog Bradlands, had not been updated since January 2009. Six years ago he gave me some very kind advice on setting up my blogroll. Nice guy.