PhoboQuotable – NY Sen. Ruben Diaz

“I love them. I love them. But I don’t believe in what they are doing. They are my brothers. They are my family. So how could I be a homophobe? The people of the nation don’t want gay marriage. They didn’t want it in California; they didn’t want it in Maine. And the people of upstate New York, after what happened to the candidate in the 23rd Congressional District, they sent a message they don’t want gay marriage. Forget about it. People don’t want it.” – NY state Sen. Ruben Diaz telling the New York Times that since he has two gay brothers, he can’t possibly be a homophobe.

This, despite the fact that tried to stop the Gay Games from coming to NYC because it would “spread AIDS.” And that he sued to the city to have its LGBT high school shut down. And that he held the largest anti-gay rally in the history of NYC, in which over 10,000 placard-waving Hispanic evangelicals were bussed in to scream about Sodom and Gomorrah.

The NY Senate may finally take a vote on same-sex marriage today. If it fails, Ruben Diaz will be at the top of the list of people to blame.