If you’re one those mentally ill “Gays For Palin,” you shouldn’t broadcast your queerness at one of her appearances. At a Barnes & Nobles in a mall in Grand Rapids, Michigan:
Bob Weinert, 56, a fencing salesman from Lansing, said he’d heard Rush Limbaugh say recently that Palin is “the most conservative candidate out there.” She represents, he said, “limited government and traditional values,” including “putting homos back in the closet.” “And putting Christmas in the stores,” added his wife, Rexanna, who said she felt she could trust the “down-to-earth” Palin. A few minutes later, a diffident young man wandered by with a handmade “Homos for Palin” t-shirt until he encountered a mall security guard. “You’ve got to zip it up or leave,” said the security guard and the young man, who said he was a college student but wouldn’t give his name, complied.
I’d like to hope that the young man was just trying to rile Palin’s supporters, which I’d endorse, but if so he should have refused to leave the mall just because of the word “homo” on his shirt. Here’s an idea: If Palin does a book signing here in NYC, let’s all show up and prance around with “Homos For Palin” shirts. Who’s down?
(Via – Michelangelo Signorile)