The Courage Campaign today announced their withdrawal from the campaign to place a repeal of California’s Proposition 8 on the 2010 ballot. Most major LGBT and progressive groups have opposed a 2010 effort, preferring to wait until 2012. Via press release:
“For months, we have laid out the criteria for moving forward. Like the Obama Campaign, we understand that we need a combination of powerful and clear research that informs an expertly run campaign, an unstoppable movement that harnesses the new energy we have seen since the passage of Prop. 8 and the connections through personal stories and outreach in order to win at the ballot box,” said Rick Jacobs, the Courage Campaign founder and Chair. “We are taking the lessons learned from last year’s Prop. 8 campaign, the campaigns in Maine and other states to understand the fundamental work that must be done before moving forward in California. We also must come together as a community to create a broad coalition and governance structure, put in place a strong manager and secure the resources to win. Right now, the pieces are not all in place to do so confidently.”
The above excerpted press release also announces a partnership between the Courage Campaign and Lambda Legal. With the withdrawal of the Courage Campaign, that pretty much only leaves Love Honor Cherish working to get enough signatures to place a repeal on the 2010 ballot.