Today both of New York’s senators will endorse NYC Comptroller Bill Thompson in his mayoral bid against Michael Bloomberg. But few expect them to actually speak against the billionaire in City Hall.
Mr. Schumer, in particular, has been effusive praising the work of the man Mr. Thompson is trying to unseat, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg. Indeed, Mr. Schumer’s wife, Iris Weinshall, worked for several years as Mr. Bloomberg’s transportation commissioner. Mr. Bloomberg also employs a number of former Schumer aides on his campaign, or in City Hall, including Bradley Tusk, his campaign manager; Howard Wolfson, a campaign spokesman; Josh Isay, a political consultant; and Stu Loeser, his chief spokesman in the mayor’s office. So you should expect Mr. Schumer to do what other Democrats who have good relationships with Mr. Bloomberg (like Gov. David A. Paterson and former Mayor David N. Dinkins) have done while endorsing Mr. Thompson: not say anything untoward about the mayor. The same, perhaps, might be expected of Ms. Gillibrand, if only because she is still so new to her post, and must be careful to avoid incurring the political wrath of Mr. Bloomberg as she faces an election in 2010.
Thompson remains about ten points behind Bloomberg in the latest poll.