The new anti-gay campaign from the National Organization For Marriage is called 2M4M. Totally seriously.
In just a few minutes, NOM President Maggie Gallagher and I will hold a press conference in Trenton, NJ, announcing an ambitious new nationwide “2 Million for Marriage” (2M4M) initiative. Over the next two years, we will be organizing two million marriage activists from every state in the nation to form an online army of marriage activists willing to stand up for marriage on a moment’s notice, sending emails and making phone calls to legislators whenever marriage is threatened. The initiative represents the most ambitious effort ever of its kind, using a combination traditional TV and radio advertising and direct mail, coupled with the internet technology and social networking tools that President Obama used so effectively in his presidential campaign. To assist with this ambitious new initiative, we’ve enlisted the expertise of Schubert Flint Public Affairs — the same group that managed the Prop 8 Campaign in California last year.
Too fucking funny. Maybe there really aren’t any closet cases working at NOM. Cuz a ‘mo would have put a stop to THAT acronym in a heartbeat.
(Via – Good As You)