The Yes On 8 ad men who created the infamous “Like It Or Not” clip featuring SF Mayor Gavin Newsom have won the top prize at an industry convention.
Frank Schubert walked off a big winner at the just-concluded 2009 Pollie Awards for his come-from-behind knockout punch to same-sex marriage, and he had a special guy to thank: Mayor Gavin Newsom. Schubert and his crew were honored at the American Association of Political Consultants’ annual meeting in Washington, D.C., for their successful fight to pass Proposition 8 in November, which banned same-sex marriage in California. Schubert acknowledged that half the crowd at the Gaylord hotel ballroom didn’t agree with his stance. Still, he was happy to give the political pros from across the country a 45-minute seminar on his victorious campaign, where he was asked: “How did you come from 14 points behind in the polls and win?” Well, Schubert explained, they were very disciplined, they had tremendous support from the faith community and they had “a gift from God: Gavin Newsom.”
Here’s the ad again.