The Courage Campaign is soliciting submissions for their “Please Don’t Divorce Us” photo essay.
Infamous prosecutor Ken Starr has filed a legal brief — on behalf of the “Yes on 8” campaign — to nullify the 18,000 same-sex marriages performed in California between May and November of 2008. It’s time to put a face to Ken Starr’s shameful legal proceedings. To put a face to the 18,000 couples facing forcible divorce. To put a face to marriage equality. Because, gay or straight, YOU are the face of the Marriage Equality Movement.
Please click through the photos in the slideshows below and then submit your own photo, as an individual, a couple or in a group (perhaps with your family over the holidays). Take a picture holding a piece of paper that says “Please don’t divorce us,” “Please don’t divorce my moms,””Please don’t divorce my friends, Dawn and Audrey,” “Please don’t divorce Californians” or whatever you want after “Please don’t divorce…” and send it to: [email protected].
We want to share this beautiful project with as many people as possible. Please tell your friends about this slideshow by clicking here to use our simple and easy invite page. To support the “Please don’t divorce…” project or our campaign to repeal Prop 8, please consider making a contribution to the Courage Campaign. Click here to make a timely donation.
Check out the photos submitted so far here.