Veteran gay reporter Rex Wockner gives us a glimpse into Amy Balliett, whom he calls the “architect of Stonewall 2.0.”
Yes, she practices what she preaches. JoinTheImpact co-founder and co-coordinator Amy Balliett, right, and wife Jessica Trejo were legally married in Los Angeles on Oct. 18 following their Aug. 9 wedding in Seattle. It took me a while to get the photos out of her. Keep your eye on Amy. In a matter of days, she came out of essentially nowhere to become one of the most successful gay activists in the nation, co-coordinating huge anti-Prop 8 demos Nov. 15 in some 300 cities in every U.S. state, simultaneously no less, at 10:30 a.m. California time.
Amy Balliett, a new gay superhero.